Welcome to “The Oak Pathways Center”
At “The Oak Pathways Center” the Mission is clear “Making Families Stronger” as we are able to assist them in establishing themselves and their families in a meaningful “pathway” to wholeness.
“Oak Pathways” is committed to show dignity, care and respect to hurting individual that come to us for help and is an equal opportunity to all who want “assistance” for a better future. Our main service is giving them “90 day stay” emergency/temporary housing at a safe shelter to reside in as they
move towards their individual achievement of success. While advocating to them “Their Full conviction” is the only way they can receive the overall success for their lives and families they want.
With this center we want to access a network of faith- based and Community Agencies, Referring Clients to and accessing the many wonderful Organizations and Agencies in our community for this help.